I grew up in Baltimore. Our family bought a house in Reservoir Hill for a dollar in 1974. I went away to college in the Midwest. I went to Baltimore City public schools, including Poly.
When and why did you get involved in politics?
The first time I got involved in a small way was when I was seven. I sealed envelopes for Mary Pat Clarke at her campaign headquarter. Mom was engaged in politics but never ran herself.
What is your opinion on the current state of the Republican Party?
I think they’ve become more about one person instead of a cohesive set of plans to help our city, state, or country. They border on a cult of personality. That’s bad for the party and bad for the nation.
What are your top three issues if elected going into the new term?
I hope to stay Chair as the Judiciary Committee, where we deal with issues related to criminal justice and civil law. There’s a lot we need to work on with public safety. I’m looking to working with people from across the City. Another thing I’m looking forward to continuing my work on is renewable energy. It’s important to help people who are in middle to lower-income participate to help us reach our goal of 50% of our electricity from renewable sources. Another is infrastructure. It’s very important to keep up with the 21st Century School program. The new school near you in Highlandtown is spectacular, as are the new Patterson and John Ruhrah. I was in Brooklyn to see the new school at Baybrook and it’s a sight to behold.
Wes Moore, Aruna Miller, Brooke Lierman, and Anthony Brown are the statewide Democrats on the ballot. How can we make sure they win?
Everyone bring one other person to vote and vote blue. Vote by mail, vote early or go Election Day. We have to make sure that turnout is high.
What is your favorite movie of all time and why?
I love comedies. When I come home from my day job as a prosecutor, I tend to not want to watch anything serious. I do have to say I LOVE “The Princess Bride.” I officiated a wedding once and they asked me to say the ‘Mawwiage’ line.
What is your favorite song of all time and why?
I ran my college radio station. We did everything by consensus. They would plan their show schedules a head of time but I would fill in from time to time. We played Classical, Folk, Bluegrass, Classic Rock, the death metal show and a gospel show. There was a little ska run up with the Bosstones that I liked. I LOVED 10,000 Maniacs and Natalie Merchant. They’ve stuck with me so I’ll stick with them.
What are your two most prized possessions?
A certificate of appreciation that I received after my partner Patrick retired after thirty years of active duty in the Navy. I didn’t know him during Don’t Ask Don’t Tell; I knew him shortly after. For spouses or partners of military members, these are important acknowledgment from the federal government of their service.
My grandfather and I went to a Christmas concert on December 15th of 1985. It was at Goucher in Towson. I always remember him and how he could fold a dollar bill into his initials.
Who inspires you?
Certainly my family and Patrick. Broadly people who give themselves to help others.