In 1-2 sentences, explain why you are running for District 11 and what motivated you to seek this position.
I am running for the 11th District because I want a Baltimore filled with safe, vibrant, good neighborhoods that people feel good about getting rooted in and building community in.
In 1-2 sentences, describe how your background and/or previous experience has prepared you to serve as Councilman
I work with city agencies, institutions, and neighborhoods as the vice president of economic development for the Midtown Benefits District; I serve as a neighborhood association president, BCPSS high school football coach, and parent; and I taught American Government at the Naval Academy in my last three-year tour in the Marine Corps. So I don't think there's much more I could do to be prepared to be a councilmember.
What are your top 3 priorities or key goals if elected as Councilman?
1) Helping reduce the violent crime surge that has doubled in much of the 11th since my opponent took office 10 years ago.
2) Helping end the abandoned housing crisis.
3) Calmer, safer traffic, and helping end the city's dependence on private cars.
What do you see as the most pressing issue facing District 11 residents right now?
Violent crime. I don't think you could make two door-knocking passes through my district and come up with another answer. We need whole-government, whole-community, proactive solutions for public safety, and we need to get serious about having much better after-school programs and vocational training for our youth.
What else would you like voters to know? Feel free to share any other perspectives or details about your background, priorities and vision.
My campaign is publicly-financed, so I'll never accept more than $150 from anyone. That said, we recently maxed out City's Fair Election Fund: we've raised about $155,000, and have roughly $125,000 on hand.